Monday, March 3, 2025Looking to buy a motorcycle but not sure which type is right for you? With various types of bikes and hundreds of models to choose from, the process of narrowing down your selections can be tricky. And while visiting dealerships to sit on and test drive motorcycles is the best way to ultimately c... READ MORE >>
Monday, February 3, 2025Within the population, 37 percent are renters; however, only a third of renters have renters insurance. One reason renters don't purchase renters insurance is they don't see the value. Although renters insurance isn't compulsory, if you are a renter, you need renters insurance. Understanding Renters Insurance READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 1, 2025This winter might bring snow and ice storms to our area. When spring arrives, threats like severe thunderstorms, hail and even tornadoes might beckon. Seasonal threats create a significant risk of property damage. If this happens to your business, the repair costs might mount. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 2, 2024During the winter, you often have to turn on the lights much earlier. And don’t forget the occasional impact of cold weather. Even in Ohio, there are times when we have to turn off the A/C and turn up the thermostat. You might expect to see your electricity bills increase during the winter. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 1, 2024You might have heard that one way to save money on your car insurance is to increase your deductibles. But while increasing your deductible might cut your premium, it could increase your financial burden for vehicle repairs. You should only set your deductibles based on your ability to pay for vehicle damage. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, October 1, 2024Summer is beginning to draw to a close. Here in the Midwest, we will soon see shorter days, cooler temperatures and increased inclement weather. Whenever you venture out, these changes might mean that you face higher driving risks. There are a few safety precautions to keep in mind while driving during the autumn. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 2, 2024When you buy car insurance, you expect your policy to help you pay for the damage done to your vehicle in a variety of hazardous events, from wrecks to vehicle fires and more. However, even expansive policies likely won’t cover 100% of your vehicle’s damage costs. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 1, 2024While the sun always poses a level of danger, its rays are at their strongest during the long, hot summer months. Exposure to UV rays can cause sunburn, freckling, skin damage, wrinkles and even melanoma, which is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to protect your skin from these damages. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 1, 2024In the flurry of establishing a business and securing a suitable location, many business owners can become engrossed in the excitement, inadvertently overlooking a crucial aspect—obtaining the necessary insurance to safeguard their commercial property. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 3, 2024Summer is a prime time for entertaining, and when you own a boat, that will probably seem like the perfect place to relax and enjoy time with friends and family. However, all boat owners probably understand exactly how many safety risks that both they and others face on the vessel. READ MORE >>
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