Wednesday, September 28, 2022A wide range of life insurance options exist. Those options can become overwhelming. Individuals should have a one-on-one conversation with their agent to determine which form fits their goals best. Take into consideration universal life insurance. How can it work for you? READ MORE >>
Friday, August 12, 2022A business owner policy, or BOP, is a type of business insurance plan. It combines several of the most common types of coverage that companies need to maintain – all at an affordable, bundled rate. As a business owner, speak to your agent about using a BOP, since it may help you to get the coverage you need for less. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 28, 2022Mold inside of your home may seem like a minor nuisance, but it can lead to major complications if it’s allowed to grow further. Mold can lead to allergy-like symptoms, chronic illness, degradation of drywall and other structural damages — meaning it’s not something to leave on your “I’ll deal with it eventually” to-do list. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 28, 2022The idea of bundling your home and auto insurance is a common one often suggested by insurance providers. This is for a variety of reasons: first, you can save money by bundling your insurance. Second, insurers like being your main source of insurance. However, bundling home and auto isn’t the best choice for everyone. READ MORE >>
Monday, May 23, 2022While your parents may have been able to comfortably retire on Social Security benefits and work pensions, these options are all but gone today. You may receive some benefits, but the meager sum won’t likely cover your years of retirement. This makes it exceptionally important for adults to begin saving for retirement as early as possible. READ MORE >>
Monday, April 25, 2022The old saying goes that a farmer is nothing without his horse & plow. That’s still true today, but of course, horses and plows have evolved into very complex and expensive machinery. You want to keep all this machinery in prime working order. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 18, 2022Bronco is a pit bull and when many first see him, they back off. Why? Because of the pit bull reputation. But Bronco is a playful, loving dog. He seems scared of his own shadow and is very gentle with smaller dogs and children. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 25, 2022Customer Spotlight
This month, Slyman Insurance Group is proud to spotlight one of our newest client’s, Jeremy Lewis, his wife Chrissy, and his family! Jeremy chose to switch to Slyman Insurance Group because, after careful policy analysis, we were able to increase his and hi... READ MORE >>
Monday, February 14, 2022Every day of the week you get in your car and drive to and from work in a car that is very similar to other cars. But it’s different on the weekend. That is when you open that far right garage door and take your 1937 classic car out for a road trip. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 26, 2022Umbrella insurance isn't always the first choice for many individuals or business professionals, but it should not be overlooked. Many people don't realize the value it can offer in everyday life. This type of insurance provides more coverage than a traditional auto, home or business insurance plan does. READ MORE >>
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